When was Quidditch introduced to New Zealand? Where is New Zealand’s Ministry of Magic? What is the favourite food of New Zealand’s own native dragon? J. K. Rowling gives us the answers.

Article by Abigail Simpson, author of POMS AWAY! A British Immigrant’s View of New Zealand
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Hier Zeke
17th February 2018 — 1:00 pm
haha so good ole harry defeats the baddies of nz how wonderful and lovely.
14th March 2018 — 9:20 am
I wonder what wizard school nzers go to?
21st May 2018 — 8:52 am
In a Fanfiction that I’m writing with some people, there’s one around the Stewart Island, and most of the wizarding community lives in the south island. There’s a big painting of a bunch of sheep that are really loud and racist, and our school name has a very similar name to the Japanese school, so whoopee, we have a sister school.
28th July 2019 — 9:52 pm
The Current New Zealand Minister For Magic In New Zealand Is Lei Clarke
You can look at it here