New Zealand and Australia have somewhat of a sibling relationship. Australia is like New Zealand’s big brother. You know. The sort of big brother who steals his little sister’s stuff and claims it as his own. Below is a list of just some of the disputed items in the Australasian toy box. To be fair, some can be legitimately claimed by both countries, but others definitely can’t – so keep your hands off, Aussies! Explanations below.

The Pavlova
The pavlova, a meringue-based dessert with fruit on it, was invented after the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova toured Australia and New Zealand in the 1920s. But by whom? For decades the debate raged, with the pavlova becoming a national dish in both countries. Finally, exhaustive research revealed the true inventor to be… New Zealand.
Split Enz
Split Enz was a ’70s/early ’80s rock group that was definitely from NEW ZEALAND. Yes, they moved to Australia in 1975, where they changed their name from Split Ends to Split Enz, but even this name can’t be claimed by Australia, as many Aussies have argued: they changed it to Split ENZ to signify their New Zealand, a.k.a. NZ, roots.
Crowded House
Despite having some members of Split Enz in it, Crowded House is, I’m sorry to say, an Australian band. Even Neil Finn says so. Kiwis always cry that Crowded House is yet another thing the Aussies stole, but in this case the Kiwis are the theives. It was founded in Australia, and two-thirds of its founding members were Australian.
Stan Walker
Stan Walker became a famous singer after winning Australian Idol. He was born in Australia, but is of Maori descent and grew up in New Zealand. When he was in his late teens, his family returned to live in Australia. I’m sorry, New Zealand, but this isn’t a steal either. Stan Walker is quite legitimately claimed by both Australia and New Zealand.
Lorde, however, isn’t. Seriously, Aussies, back off. She’s undisputedly a New Zealander. And don’t try to worm your away around it by saying she’s Australasian, which is technically true. It’s like that time New Zealand left the Football World Cup undefeated, (by drawing every match and being kicked out after the first round, but, hey, Australia didn’t even make it into the World Cup,) and some Australian news people were claiming ‘Australasia Undefeated in World Cup’!
ANZAC Biscuits
By their very name, you’d think there’d be no dispute over the origins of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps biscuits, and there isn’t really. That wouldn’t be in the spirit. But ANZAC biscuits as we know them do seem to have been invented in New Zealand rather than Australia.
Russell Crowe
Best known for his role as the gladiator in a film I’ve forgotten the name of, Russell Crowe is famous actor who has been both claimed and rejected by both Australia and New Zealand. He was born in Wellington, New Zealand, but moved to Australia at the age of four, and then back to New Zealand as a teenager, and then back to Australia in his twenties. He identifies as Australian, even though they (for some stupid, convoluted reason) denied him citizenship.
Keisha Castle-Hughes
Best known for her role as the whale rider in another film I’ve forgotten the name of, Keisha Castle-Hughes was born in Australia to a Maori mother and an Anglo-Australian father. However, she moved to New Zealand as a baby and grew up in New Zealand, so while the Aussies may have a technically legitimate claim, yeah-nah, she’s a Kiwi.
The Flat White
Starbucks may have credited Australia with the invention of this specific type of coffee, but it was actually invented in the 1980s in New Zealand. Or maybe not. The dispute’s still raging.
Phar Lap
Phar Lap was a champion racehorse that won fame and glory for Australia in the late ’20s/early ’30s, despite being foaled in New Zealand. He was a giant-of-a-horse with a heart twice the weight of an average horse’s, and he may be the only horse in Australasian history to be murdered by U.S. gangsters, (but that’s just a theory. You can google it yourself.)
The Kiwi
There was also a theory that New Zealand’s iconic kiwi bird was in fact an Australian immigrant! (From so long ago it hardly matters, but still, national pride was at stake.) Its closest relation was thought to be the Australian emu, which would have been a devastating blow. Thankfully, recent DNA analysis has found that the kiwi’s closest relative is in fact the now extinct elephant bird of Madagascar. Phew! Take that, Aussies.
New Zealand Itself
Would you believe the Aussies have even laid claim to New Zealand itself in the past? New Zealand is actually defined as an Australian state in the Australian constitution! The reason being is they expected New Zealand to join their federation, but New Zealand decided against it. New Zealand is, after all, separated from Australia by 2,000 kilometres of sea. New Zealand was originally part of the British colony of New South Wales, but it was NEVER part of Australia.
Article by Abigail Simpson, author of POMS AWAY! A British Immigrant’s View of New Zealand
Follow Not_Australia
15th February 2017 — 11:14 pm
oi Australia discovered this all m8
1st April 2017 — 9:46 am
fuck off criminal
11th April 2017 — 6:05 am
Lovely comment – not. Not even amusing.
Russell Crow: NZ can have him when he’s misbehaving; we will have him when he’s good.
Constitution: What?! NZ is part of Aust? You are kidding? I’ve never read the Constitution – might have to now.
Lorde: she was considered an Australian? Perhaps that’s because she is successful – we like to claim the NZ successes (Mel Gibson when he’s good, not when he is stupid – now he’s a bit of success again, we’ll might re-claim him).
29th October 2017 — 10:23 am
bro your just jealous that New Zealand is better then you and always will be m8 it must suck to be out shined by us aye.
23rd July 2018 — 10:09 pm
chur u fuck wit
16th October 2017 — 9:08 pm
fuck you cunt kys and your baby mama is a bitch
21st November 2017 — 7:07 am
well aren’t you just a little ray of crazy..triple dipped in psycho
11th April 2018 — 9:17 am
U need to go to jail
23rd July 2018 — 10:05 pm
yeah just shut up m8
30th April 2017 — 2:12 am
Actually Australia invented the Pavlova – the New Zealand version is just a French merangue.
Sorry – that one absolutely was Australian.
1st August 2017 — 10:40 am
No wtf
23rd July 2018 — 10:04 pm
dont talk shit
27th October 2017 — 11:38 pm
Who”s Stan Walker ! And the hyphenated lady !? ???? Interesting ????
18th January 2018 — 8:21 am
no the guy that won the fucking australian idol in 2009
24th August 2018 — 11:48 pm
Just reading this is enough to start a war on land rights
28th July 2019 — 11:39 pm
sometimes i close my eyes and im anywhere but where i am. when i close my eyes i am in New Zealand and I am free and there are no boundries, no one to tell me no. but when i open them i am in the same dark place called Australia with the dark figure standing over me… the dark figure called Scomo…
27th April 2020 — 11:43 pm
CAN WE NOT FIGHT OVER THIS?! As a kiwi myself, this is certainly painting us in a bad light, and I am sick of it. (Let’s just let the Aussies seem like dicks, eh?)
29th July 2021 — 10:46 pm
I’m 11 and this is Tom foolery
Not Australia
6th August 2021 — 12:35 pm
Warms the cockles to see such healthy cynicism in one so young.