Many people dream of interacting with dolphins and New Zealand is certainly a great country for it. We are quite literally surrounded by them. There are lots of different dolphin species to encounter around New Zealand. Here are ten of the best places from which you can see and swim with them.

Source: Top Ten Places to See Dolphins in New Zealand
Article by Abigail Simpson
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Comments by Not Australia
It’s Ours!
Warms the cockles to see such healthy cynicism in one so ...
Common Misconceptions about New Zealand
The article does, in fact, say that. Well done.
10 Free Things to Do around Tauranga
Cool! Thanks
Whangamomona: The New Zealand township that declared itself a republic and elected a goat president
Hi Chris. I'd be happy to discuss this. Please contact me ...
Common Misconceptions about New Zealand
Well that's why they're called misconceptions!